Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pisco Sour Day at La Mar

It's official! La Mar is hosting a Pisco Sour day on Feb. 4th and 5th in honor of the national holiday "Pisco Sour Day" in Peru. All pisco sour drinks are just $5. Only 2 of these little treats make me a drunken mess so its a great event to take a "cheap" date.

My love hate relationship began with pisco, not just pisco sours, on a trip to Peru in 2003. As I am always looking for a cheap alternative while backpacking, my friend and I decided to buy a bottle of Pisco from a corner store in Paracas to enjoy as we planned our tour of the Poor Man's Galapagos Islands otherwise known as Islas Balletas. Ironically, it really wasn't a bottle of pisco, but a Peruvian tradition of making your own homemade hooch and repackaging it in used water bottles. Clearly we should have stopped there, but what the hell we drank it. Never been sicker and never touched the stuff again for years. Sadly pisco was ranked with tequila as the devil's drink for about 3 years until I enjoyed one while in Mexico. Not officially a Peruvian pisco sour but not as bad (or may I say controversial) as the Chilean rip-off version.

The La Mar Pisco Sour is nothing like my little dirty corner store version. Me encanta! La Mar carefully crafts their delicious beverage treats using only the finest ingredients: Pisco Quebranta, lime juice, simple syrup, egg white, and regional bitters. Don't be thrown off by the egg white, it creates a cappuccino like frothy top that is so entertaining to scoop with your finger. Remember Pisco is a brandy distilled from grapes, so if brandy doesn't agree with you, likely Pisco won't either. But what the hell give it a try and come out to La Mar on the 4th or 5th to try one (or five).

*Thanks Princess Allison for the heads-up on La Mar!

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